Spawn Killing

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by brenthi2009, May 14, 2012.

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  1. brenthi2009

    brenthi2009 Member VIP

    I was at Erathia and i saw a dude by username of Penguinarse.
    I killed him when he had dia armour and as i was sorting through his stuff he came at me with a diamond sword. I kileed him again and when i was sorting again he ran up and took his stuff. I killed him again this went on a fair bit more then i was banned for spawnrushing and he was running at me and taking stuff back. what choice i have but to kill him.
    I dont know who killed me so i cant say.
    Just wondering how I spawn kill when he coming at me. Can someone please tell me how I was?

  2. King_Videot

    King_Videot Member VIP

    After seeing several death messages, I tp'd to your location to see what was going on. Looked like spawn killing to me.
    The ban ends on the 21st
  3. brenthi2009

    brenthi2009 Member VIP

    didnt you see him grabbing his stuff?
  4. King_Videot

    King_Videot Member VIP

    There's no rules against that. Also, she's a girl.
  5. brenthi2009

    brenthi2009 Member VIP

    So king are you saying for me to just give her the Diamond armour after i had killed her? and other people have been allowed to kill me when i was grabbing my stuff. and alos how it spawn kill when she was running at me from her hosue? i was staying clear from his house where he was spawning so i wasnt doing for the sake of killing her it was for her dia armour.
  6. King_Videot

    King_Videot Member VIP

    don't bring as much stuff then.
  7. brenthi2009

    brenthi2009 Member VIP

    I had just looted a whole heap of chests... and her inv was full too.
  8. Manglor

    Manglor Active Member

    that doesnt matter brent, just cause you had a full invo that doesnt give you a free pass to kill someone over and over just so you can choose what you want to keep

    dont create gray areas in the rules, if you dont have enough room or enough time to make room then you cant bend the rules for your own gain.
  9. Karaisk

    Karaisk Member

    Sorry I know this is incredibly bad form but I just was curious as to the application of the rules....
    How is it spawn rushing if he is standing in the same place and she is attacking him?
    (if you like I will gladly delete this post... I'm just curious)
  10. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    I know I shouldn't be posting here, but I feel like this is being looked at only from one side, this kind of goes with what karaisk said.Brent might have been spawn killing, but wasn't Penguinarse spawn rushing?
  11. brenthi2009

    brenthi2009 Member VIP

    Sry i forgot to include that after i had killed him he came at me again weilding a dia sword which almost killed me (had half heart left after that). Isnt that spawnrushing?
    He was also coming at me and i thought every time he might have that sword again. I saw this as threat and he was basically rushing because he wouldn't stop attacking me. I think i told him to stop or that might have been from when i saw junglecommando and stopped the message and killed him. (if you want to check that he came again with dia sword check my inv got 3 dia swords sharp III was mine and Flame I sword from when i killed him first time and the other dia sword that has no enchant was from when he attacked me again. (Ialso know that this sounds just like a cover up for me getting banned but it isnt).

  12. 04blatca

    04blatca Member Lead Admin VIP

    I agree that you should be banned, however I disagree that you should be banned for so long. Your ban has been changed to last until Friday 5/17/2012.
  13. brenthi2009

    brenthi2009 Member VIP

    Ok thanks blat. :)
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