Hi, guys.

Discussion in 'Off-topic' started by epic_poke8, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. epic_poke8

    epic_poke8 Active Member VIP

    My PC has been crappy, and I have not been able to play for long, but I fixed a few things and can probably play for an hour at a time. I plan on getting a new PC after this summer (Because over $10 an hour for 63 hours a week over an entire summer should get me something nice) but that's not what this is about.

    I'm restarting. I plan to sell most of my things (I'm keeping legendaries, spawn eggs, and written books), and I am selling cheap. Like 1000r a beacon cheap. I plan to also to be as helpful as possible, so just ask and I'll see if I can assist. It's nice to see you all again.
  2. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome back! And 63 hours a week?! Don't kill yourself :) You can get a computer decent enough to max out minecraft and play most other games on standard graphics for a week at that salary.
  3. GingerSwan

    GingerSwan Active Member VIP

    Epic, that's 20k a year, easily get a good PC for that over the summer.