
Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by ndvenckus1, Apr 29, 2012.

  1. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    I say we get mobarena back. It was soooo much fun when we had it, and it's updated to 1.2.5. If we have to take away the prizes because of the glitch, that's fine. Prizes weren't the fun part to begin with.
  2. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

  3. brenthi2009

    brenthi2009 Member VIP

    what is the mobarena?
  4. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP
  5. 04blatca

    04blatca Member Lead Admin VIP

    I agree! It would mean getting an extra world though, and different inventories... Unless we can find a way of ensuring people can't escape from the arenas. Perhaps the arenas could go in some sort of bedrock structure to prevent people from getting out?
  6. Karaisk

    Karaisk Member

    Aweh don't use bedrock... it is an eyesore!
    Just protect the area and make sure that it is either ridiculously large or high or just as a roof over the top.... to keep people ender eye-ing out. Then trap a couple people like Kir in there and tell them to escape... as it is right now most people can't figure out how to escape PVPgames *coughOopscough*
  7. DarkAlex0613

    DarkAlex0613 Member

    You could build around the bedrock.
  8. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    Do worldguard regions mess up the way mobarena works, or something?
  9. 04blatca

    04blatca Member Lead Admin VIP

    No, they just don't work, people can glitch through the blocks. Last time we had mob arena we had a huge problem with people cheating and getting out of the arena. For example we had some players that went to the mob arena, escaped and started building houses etc in that world, with the stuff they got from the mob arena.

    I guess we could have some sort of world guard border that prevented them from walking through the area to get out. The safest way is with bedrock though.
  10. Karaisk

    Karaisk Member

    Build a large arena cover with lava box with bedrock ^.^ it'd be funny surprise to all who tried to glitch out. }=)
  11. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    I may or may not be guilty of doing this... ;D

    Anyway, couldn't we just create a region 1 block outside of the specified mob arena, all around it, and then have a bedrock border around the outside of the whole area, not visible unless you escape? The bedrock is safer, of course, but not necessary aside from a last resort. I wouldn't think mob arena would influence worldguard if its area didn't come in contact with it. The bedrock's good, just to be safe, anyway.

    No matter how we solve it, I definitely think we should get mobarena back :D

    edit: to add on to what I was saying about the region, just deny them the enter flag, so, if they do escape, they can't actually leave the mob arena, or enter the border region.
  12. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    you can also delete the surrounding chunks too, so if they do escape Sithus get's em in the Void ;D
  13. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    ^Sharq's idea's probably better. Rather than messing with worldguard regions, just have the entire mob arena float over the void. If someone attempts to break out, well, good luck...
  14. jfaria1891

    jfaria1891 Member VIP

    yeah i agree i would deff go with the void idea +1 Sharq
  15. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Sithus will be pleased.
  16. strangecow1

    strangecow1 Member VIP

    Yeah I dont think I was on shadecrest when we had or I just joined either way, it looks fun a sharq's idea is good!
  17. bobbylou4

    bobbylou4 Well-Known Member Creative Architect

    i like the idea of having mobarena so +1
  18. Griffsbrown

    Griffsbrown New Member VIP

    I love that plugin so much.
  19. Cashkid32

    Cashkid32 Member VIP

    Ahh... I remember making houses... Anyway, why is it bad that players can glitch out. You don't keep the items anyway. Although we wouldn't be able to know if someone legitly get to a round.
  20. Griffsbrown

    Griffsbrown New Member VIP

    Gambit (and I think liquid) made a mob arena for a server we used to play on. It looked amazing. If anyone can make a cool looking mob arena its them.