VIP Privilege

Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by mrtreefingers, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. mrtreefingers

    mrtreefingers Active Member VIP

    Many ideas have been passed around. I think i may have one that could stick.

    Make it so VIPs can spend rupies and buy Color Letter Signs.

    This is a perk - but also that costs us something so not to be overly used/abused.

    Nobody gets extra power.
    Its a place for us to sink some rupies
    Will not lag our new server ;). Im sure it can handle them fine in limitation. Only if abused could that be an issue.
  2. ThisDudeRiteHere

    ThisDudeRiteHere Member VIP

    That'd be cool :D
  3. Truex

    Truex New Member VIP

    Or VIP's warp everywhere free :D
  4. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    or not...
  5. 04blatca

    04blatca Member Lead Admin VIP

    It would be nice to give VIPs the permission to make coloured signs, however for now, we would like to keep coloured signs to admins only. That way everyone knows that coloured signs are important and should be read.
  6. Manglor

    Manglor Active Member

    thats a good point blatca :)
  7. mrtreefingers

    mrtreefingers Active Member VIP

    I think you are holding me, and in terms the server back by not letting the good builders on this server utilize those signs. They add an important element to the game - easily readable information - which is something that can help organize and make a town more aesthetically pleasing.

    I have important information that I would like to be highlighted in a town tutorial also. Just like lava, you could approve them under certain guidelines. This will better explain how things work in our PVP town and will improve the visibility of our infrastructure.

    This more sounds like the case of "More work for the mods.... Nahhhhhhhhh! :p "

    EDIT: After seeing the mods today whining about new player questions by spamming broadcast I can be assured that something like this is nowhere in our near future. /delete thread if you want.

    its good to have dreams right?