Admin abuse

Discussion in 'Grief Report' started by zoxzix, Apr 10, 2012.

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  1. zoxzix

    zoxzix New Member VIP

    I am in my house, sorting chests, when i am repeatedly teleported by Nrayf, for no reason. when questioning why, he slapped me, then refused to allow me to return to my home, then, kicked me from the server.
  2. zoxzix

    zoxzix New Member VIP

    he also removed my home. causing me to be trapped underground
  3. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    You were asking about whether you were allowed to steal from homes, and I said yes. Other people included that you can't use /home to steal, and I tried telling that to you, but you seemed to ignore it. Then, I noticed you kept warping to landavatar's home. I asked you to stop warping there and stand still about 6 or 7 times, and all you would do is yell in all caps "STOP TP'ING ME" when all I needed was for you to stand still for 30 seconds. You kept /warping to that home, and going straight for chests, so I had to assume you were just trying to steal from his chests using a home you set there. When I saw that even teleporting you farther away didn't stop you, and after asking nicely many times, I had to ban you for less than 1 minute, to see what the situation was. After finding that you apparently share that home, I unbanned you and brought you back.

    When you say it was all for no reason, that's completely made up, and you know it.
  4. zoxzix

    zoxzix New Member VIP

    not shared that home, my town
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