Well hello everybody, my name is AdamCrafter.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by AdamCrafter, Aug 27, 2011.

  1. AdamCrafter

    AdamCrafter New Member

    SeaNanners reference in the title, because we share first names... :p

    I'm the new guy in town, from Brooklyn, NY.

    No, I will not make a 5 minute phone call and have you all mobbed in the living room, if that's what you immediately think of us Italian Brooklynites... :p
    I'm going into sophomore year in high school, high grade honors student a year ahead in most courses. Ironically, I'm not a teachers pet.... I'm the kid that tends to give the teachers attitude, rather.

    All that aside, I'm a hard working child... simply put.

    Thanks for welcoming me so nicely into ShadeCrest, I hope to enjoy my stay! ;D
  2. ThisDudeRiteHere

    ThisDudeRiteHere Member VIP

    Welcome :D And have fun! Stay safe though, I'm in CT, waiting for Hurricane Irene to trololol us D:
  3. AdamCrafter

    AdamCrafter New Member

    We're getting hit right now, it's quite interesting. The rain is sideways... almost 160 degrees too.