Bai Bai

Discussion in 'Good Byes' started by Jeffie0, Jun 16, 2012.

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  1. Jeffie0

    Jeffie0 Member VIP

    Pretty much what Aardvark said, so I will copy it

    I lost the minecraft touch. ummmmm, basically everything ninja wrote, so I shall copy it exactly.
    Shadecrest was fun but I havent really found myself wanting to constantly go on like I used to. Im really not sure why but the server is different and just not as fun as it used to be. Dont take me wrong I love shadecrest and I wont find a better server but im just not feeling how I used to about playing on it as I havent been on in a while. Thanks to pretty much everyone for the fun and games. Especially Max. Good luck and I hope shadecrest grows but Im saying goodbye... goodbye .

    I shall return to say random stuff erry now and then.
    Special goodbye to anyone who played pre 1.0. I don't know 90% of the people nowadays, so peace bruhs! Oh yeah, and nrayf nrafy, continue to dictate for me Keep sharq and dova in line for me >
  2. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    Whoever dova is, i'll keep him in line.
    Go 1.8 players!
  3. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    copied a good bye post that copied another good bye post lol
  4. Cashkid32

    Cashkid32 Member VIP

    Aww... And awesome! You said goodbye to me! (I think, I was a pre 1.0 player) I don't know you, but you seem nice and I wish I did get to know you better. Bye!
  5. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Jeffie, can I have your warp?
  6. Jeffie0

    Jeffie0 Member VIP

    Thats what you ask when I'm saying bye?! D;
  7. Jeffie0

    Jeffie0 Member VIP

    I started playing on here in like 1.5, I stoped playing minecraft at all for a while then came back, I remember when I joined specifically because It was when tall grass was just added, I was raging because I wasn't getting seeds from tilling grass, then someone informed me that we don't anymore :p
  8. Nicholas2438

    Nicholas2438 New Member

    nooo jeffie D; he was so young!!... welll bye seee you on facebook :3
  9. strangecow1

    strangecow1 Member VIP

    Bye! Even though your the person that has probably killed me the most. But it was fun!
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