
Discussion in 'Survival Server Suggestions' started by Padaun, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    Recently, I've made a few loans to people for decent sums of money, and really there isn't any good way of tracking loans, and no good way at all to enforce them. I was thinking of a small sanction of some building in spawn, probably government, just some sort of wall, that will hold signs of loan history. Some sort of format like this

    RECEIVER OF LOANS [imaxorz]
    OTHER PERSON [Padaun]
    AMOUNT DUE [9001]
    DATE OF LOAN [8/4/2013]

    And there, we can see who has made loans, and who was paid it back and who hasn't.

    When a loan is fulfilled, the sign will be removed.

    I, myself, included interest, so with interest it would probably be formatted like this

    stlnaturals likes this.
  2. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    How many people gives loans? I know I don't :D
  3. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    I was purposefully not taking into account how often it happens. I'm saying, for the off chance is does happen, at least we can make sure everything goes over well.
  4. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Certainly is a good idea. There's probably a few more bits of info that need to go into it though, such as agreed time to pay it back.

    On a side note, I was thinking of setting up a bank if I ever got the money to do that. It works on a similar basis to this idea.
  5. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    I was purposefully not taking into account how often it happens. I'm saying, for the off chance is does happen, at least we can make sure everything goes over well.
  6. Padaun

    Padaun Well-Known Member VIP

    Not sure how I posted that twice
  7. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Basically just making it into a contract, so that they can't weasel out of it. I agree with this idea whole heartedly anyway. I can't actually see any negatives about just putting a sign up (assuming both parties have agreed to it, of course.).
  8. Random0ne

    Random0ne Well-Known Member

    There's also the question of whether the new spawn even has a government building.
  9. North_Korean

    North_Korean Active Member VIP

    I'd open the first bank of north. Could interest be worked into it?
  10. North_Korean

    North_Korean Active Member VIP

    Of reasonable value of course ^
  11. AQTguy

    AQTguy Member

    Sounds like a gr8 idea
  12. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    This sounds like a primarily player run thing. So I reckon it really depends on who's loaning it and how much.

    If I loan AQT a few r for an iron hoe at Moose's, then I probs won't charge interest (deal is too small), but still reclaim when they get the funds.

    But if I loan North a few thousand r because they're constructing a wizards tower, then I would charge interest, and have the payment done in instalments at regular intervals.

    As I said, it really depends upon circumstances. This thread seems to be more about keeping an official tab on loans, so people can't weasel out of it. Running a bank should be fine, as the terms are player set/regulated. If people don't like them, then your business will fail/you won't get loans.
    AQTguy likes this.
  13. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    I don't really see how a sign in the spawn world will increase enforceability. If you don't want to get screwed over, don't give loans to people with nothing, make sure they're someone who won't likely go inactive and have enough resources or the means to get the money quickly. e.g. I'd have no worry loaning Jasperli 50k since he can make that in a day, but 200k I'd be more worried about in case he disappears again :p

    If you want it to be 100% enforcable, negotiate terms with the other player and take screenshots. If they breach the contract, post it in the finger pointing board. Example terms would be: If player1 hasn't paid back at least 50% of amount due by yyyy/mm/dd to player2, then they agree to a have their valuables repossesed/3 day ban/1 week mute/extra charge etc etc. I have no problem enforcing "rules" between players like this, as long as they are fully aware of this fact (Don't say something like, "if u dnt pay me back ill ban u", no one will take you seriously)
    Random0ne likes this.
  14. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    Nethertheless, I can see what you're saying, but imo a proper bank sounds like a good idea. As I said before, if it's player run, I can't really see the harm in it.
  15. North_Korean

    North_Korean Active Member VIP

    Welll then that is it I am officially opening the bank of north. Now I am being serious here in terms of protection and credit and such a way too figure credit should be involved kinda like timeplayed*moneyonaccount/bans Woild it be possible for a bank to get world guard and actually store money and have requirements of how much money is kept on hand and how much ia loaned or "invested" so lets say I go to withdraw 20k from legends bank oh no they only got 10k on hand now I am inconvenienced and my money is not my money till the bqnk gets paid back. Sorry about how bad this post looks typng on a ps vita.
  16. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    Not so sure about loan buildings in spawn, but I was talking to others about putting a public market where you can just go and place chests and signs to sell/buy stuff. Loaning is cool and all, but I don't see an urgent need for it to be in spawn. Some might agree with me and some might not. It seems like it would be some sort of thing you'd do on your own, similar to the way that people would make their own shops in peaceful world.
  17. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    I might be able to work out a way to make a smaller bank using chest shops. Although it would rely on an honesty system.

    Have something like you're buying 1 cobble for x amount. The pluggin records the transaction, and you have a sign next to the chest saying how long you have to pay it back, and how much.
  18. North_Korean

    North_Korean Active Member VIP

    Nah I like the way moose put it make the banks private institutions they keep a VERY WELL KEPT record of their transactions. Assign a admin to monitor that so no cheatery goes about. I'd suggest floating gold, diamonds, and iron (remove oreshop) and let private banks handle that with just monitoring but nvm that. Have pictures and require a public google data sheet with all transactions with expiration dates and interests and late fees and such.
  19. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    For a game full of 12 year olds that will never pay off something as complicated as this? a perfect world that would work.
  20. North_Korean

    North_Korean Active Member VIP

    Well with repossessions and discretion it could work well. Moose said he'd back player agreements as long as both parties are WELL informed. I'd do all my stuff on forums with public view so that my stuff could be tracked along with a google doc. I'd even simplify said contract so a 12 year old could understand.

    EDIT: But with that I am not gonna give a town loan to a 12 year old. This goes to credit and figuring how likely a person can pay it back.