- Thorodan - Sewer systems, large trees, terraforming & more

Discussion in 'Help Wanted' started by Kingofall2, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Kingofall2

    Kingofall2 Member

    To get this out of the way, I don't like the idea of promoting Thorodan in any section of the forum besides the section designated for towns. What's to be understood here is to get the help I'm wanting, I do need to catch the interest of ideal viewers. This is an outreach for help.

    The recovery and uprising of a people


    Currently, we're looking for individuals interested in what I hope
    to be a community project, oriented and focused on a detail-intensive settlement
    set back in Celtic/midevil times. The settlement, having survived for centuries
    will feature many landmarks, once structures that now tells the story
    of a siege placed on the settlement only decades ago. The city will feature aqueduct navigation
    systems, spanning across the city will also include a massive underlying sewer system,
    secret passage ways and long-distance tunnels, some suffering from cave-ins, erosion and the
    massive tree roots belonging to trees of old, some still standing to this day, broad and far

    The mood of the city is to represent an economic collapse, depression and the gradual
    recovery of the settlement. Mossy stone, vines and and other entities will be used
    to express the suffering economy, decay, the lack of upkeep and the affect of the war. Large
    trees will be to express time, some wrapping and emerging from crumbling structures of
    old, though various districts will have suffered more-so than others.

    The project will be open for discussion and I encourage people get involved in the
    planning and commencement of building sub-projects. Most everything we build
    should be based on a recent download of the working area for the purpose
    of organization, timely group constructing and pre-review before resources are used.
    To download the map for the project area, we will be using this mod.

    Resources for the project are provided, although your welcome to contribute if
    you so choose to do so.

    This is a list of projects I'd like to begin indefinitely to give
    you a basic idea of what builds you can expect.

    - Natural winding paths
    -Various structures for PVP
    -An aged cathedral (PVP grounds)
    -Small recreational areas (scenery)
    -Bridges with reasonable arch-supports
    -Secret passage ways, distant & proximal
    -Large trees, 4x4-5x5, 20-25 tall (scenery)
    -City walls, some sections damaged to one side
    -A public arena for various entertainment games
    -Above ground aqueduct system, arch support and the sort
    -Massive sewer system spanning under the city (ideal for traps & PVP grounds.

    Talk to NikleKing In-game

    or simply reply to this thread.

    While I greatly appreciate all the help I can get, I'd like to see
    that you're actively participating in the community. Before you can contribute to this
    project, you should be around for at least a week and be able to show your
    recent activity. This project will rely on it's contributors to be active.

    In the meantime, feel welcome to explore the terrain by using
    /t spawn Thorodan









    (Above design in courtesy of Steelmpact)

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
    CanOpenerTrooper likes this.
  2. CanOpenerTrooper

    CanOpenerTrooper Well-Known Member VIP

    ^ Forum moderator?