I expand/build, find, farm, decorate, ect. under 150 rupies!

Discussion in 'Shop and Trade' started by RandomDuck246, Nov 15, 2013.


Should i add special discounts on holidays?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

  4. Only on big holidays

  1. RandomDuck246

    RandomDuck246 New Member

    I will exspand/build, find, farm, decorate, ect. under 150 rupies on the survival server, unless its super huge, then it may cost more, and depending on size it may cost less, plus the first sale is 25% off! I am an very good designer so interior and exterior aren't a problem unless you provide materials!
    P.S.- If you provide the materials/equipment the price will definitely lower.
  2. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    For the designer part, I would recommend that you either provide reference pics/warps of your builds. Just so people have something to go on.
    sioutdoors and Magetime like this.