The Bann appeal from the leader of abusers

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by TheTechGeek245, Feb 15, 2014.


did u abuse the glitch and who glitched the most

Poll closed Feb 15, 2014.
  1. yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. no

    1 vote(s)
  3. plasmafire

    0 vote(s)
  4. sophiiiiiier

    0 vote(s)
  5. thetechgeek

    2 vote(s)
  6. oishockwaves

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    What is your IGN? thetechgeek245

    Who banned you?(@sharqman)

    Why were you banned(ban message)?
    mob arena abuse (appeal on forums)
    When were you banned? 15th February 2014 01:23:23 PM

    How long is your ban? Permanent

    Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? i was playing mob arena a couple of days ago and fell down the hole plasma came with me and we stayed down there untill we died later @plasmafirerisen found out that the boss glitched down there and the mobs dont follow you or spawn i played all night last night abusing the glitch not trying to be rich as all the money i have in my bank was earned legitly from playing mob arena not abusing the glitch but as i was saying i played it for a long time but i did not stay in the arena as long as shock and soph was doing at a time the highest round i made it was around 350 people who joined me in the glitch was sophiiiiiier skittlesqueen plasmafirerisen derpy567 and several others i don't remember

    Why should you be unbanned?
    i have made several contributions to this server and i really enjoy the people and staff here I like how you guys are fun but are serious when it comes down to rules the only thing that i ned to make me happy is my friends not the money or expensive stuff the people here are the life blood of shadecrest. i serve as an anchor for some as i brought them here and they find this server enjoyable. I am sorry for causing many bans including derpy567 as i have brought pain to them If these are my last words on shadecrest i would like you to remember me as i was when i joined.
  2. Sophiiiiiiier

    Sophiiiiiiier Active Member VIP

    You're not supposed to make a poll. Why play the blame game?
  3. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    im not playing the blame game im just wandering what the community thinks
  4. Sophiiiiiiier

    Sophiiiiiiier Active Member VIP

    The community has nothing to do with other than the people who were involved and the mods and admins.
  5. oiShocKWavesv

    oiShocKWavesv Well-Known Member VIP

    Didn't you afk there intending to be there all night?
  6. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    well its there now and i cant take it off anyways i look at every bann appeal there is and the words i said were sincere
  7. TheTechGeek245

    TheTechGeek245 Well-Known Member VIP

    no when i got off i took a shower and then disconnected my internet
  8. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Reduced to a 2 day temp ban and you will be indefinitely banned from mob arena.
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