Is 1.7.9 coming?

Discussion in 'Minecraft Discussions' started by Eman3dude, May 30, 2014.

  1. Eman3dude

    Eman3dude New Member VIP

    Just wondering if the server will be updating now that Bukkit has come out with an update for 1.7.9?
  2. ezeiger92

    ezeiger92 Well-Known Member Lead Admin Survival Admin

    It doesn't add anything, so maybe, but it's not likely a priority.
    Derp, this will happen at some point, because it is needed for the transition to 1.8. My bad.
  3. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    In 1.7.9 bukkit introduces the new uuid system, all plugins that deal with player data that have not updated to use the uuid system will not work. Several of our plugins have yet to update.