Hi!! I'm Owliver!!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Owliver, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Owliver

    Owliver New Member

    So, hello everyone!! My name is Owliver, but my nickname is Caro. I'm an 18 year old idiot who is bored out of my mind. Want any art? Feel free to message me and we can work something out. So, I've been looking for a new group to hang with gaming wise. I'll be going on the teamspeak, and if anyone needs me for anything, feel free to message me anytime. I hope we can be friends and I hope this goes well!
    msladydeath likes this.
  2. ndvenckus1

    ndvenckus1 Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome to the community! I hope we can remedy your boredom :)

    P.S. You're a fan of owl liver, too? It's definitely an acquired taste, but a personal favorite of mine to get from the local owl emporium.
  3. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Shade Crest! Hope to see ya in teamspeak often.
  4. msladydeath

    msladydeath Member

    Welcome Owliver!
  5. GingerSwan

    GingerSwan Active Member VIP

  6. bobbylou4

    bobbylou4 Well-Known Member Creative Architect

    Welcome aboard
  7. Owliver

    Owliver New Member

    Thanks guys!! :D