Need builders and stone blocks

Discussion in 'Help Wanted' started by dogzfriend, May 4, 2012.

  1. dogzfriend

    dogzfriend Member

    I finished designing this earlier today, the current block count is a little over 173 thousand :D

    Stone: 173224
    Glowstone: 256
    Air: 9888344 :p
    Total Volume: 10061824 (Including arches and pillars) (272W x 272L x 136H)
    Total volume inside: 2820096 (Not including arches and pillars) (144W x 144L x 136H)

    The planned purpose is to establish a marketplace that anyone can buy a shop/chest on and sell various items.
    With something this scale, I don't think it would be practical for me to try and attempt it alone, so..

    Building location: 1000,65,-150 - Peaceful
    The current warp is /home dogzfriend (Until I can afford an actual warp)
    You’ll see a sign with info about the current status of the build in front of the warp and behind the sign are three locked chests; these chests are to store stone.

    This build has three stages:
    Stage 1: Flattening ground level to y=65
    Stage 2: Completion of the four pillars -Complete!
    Stage 3: Completion of the arches (On hold)
    I’ll build the first pillar and mark the other three (in case anyone else wants to build), when the pillars are done I’ll make one of the arches and it can be copied on the other sides.

    Alright there are three ways to help:
    Dig: Dig up any dirt above the y=65 level (y=65 when you’re standing on it)
    Sell: Cobble and/or stone. (It helps more if you can sell stone, however I will pay the same amount for cobble)
    Build: Take stone that you already have and copy another pillar/arch that’s already been built.

    The area is separated into 50x50 (+or- 1) block sections, each section has a corresponding letter and number to signify its location:
    Red represents hills and yellow represents flattened land.

    Originally this project was supposed to be driven off of donations; however that didn’t seem very fair so I incorporated a paying system:
    I'll pay for cobble.. in diamonds, 2304 blocks of cobble = a diamond (.03r a block for a 69.12r diamond). When I run out of the diamonds I’ve invested in this project I’ll begin to pay in rubies (The same .03r per block of cobble)
    Unfortunately I have no idea how I can pay builders/diggers or track their contributions to the project. So I think I might be the only builder/digger until I get a way to pay. :/ (Unless you want to do it for free)

    Random fact: To get that angle in the main picture I had to extend the viewing distance past far :O
  2. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Wow! what are the dimensions? height, length, width?
  3. dogzfriend

    dogzfriend Member

    272 blocks wide by 272 blocks long by 136 blocks high :D
  4. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    can you use worldedit //count to see how many stone blocks we're talking?
  5. Karaisk

    Karaisk Member

    I'd be willing to start cooking cobble for you. I'll be back on the 6th. But I've never been good at grunt building... So I probably won't help place blocks. But I'd like to see that on the server.
    Any plan for a practical use for it? Maybe a PVE arena or a super store? If you promised a purpose for it I think you'd get a lot more help.
  6. dogzfriend

    dogzfriend Member

    I didn't provide enough information originally; the main post has been updated with dimensions and other specifications.
  7. dogzfriend

    dogzfriend Member

    Liquid is already working on a PVE arena, so I don’t think another one is necessary, a super store could be a possibility; with 2820096 blocks of space, that would be a big store! xD
  8. Karaisk

    Karaisk Member

    The server can support more then one PVE arena. (I'm a Molten Town Member =P)
    And it wouldn't have to be one store... you could support a whole market in that area... maybe pay for a warp and sell plots on it... replace all of the current warp stores with a new competitive market.
    With a structure like that around it I think you could raise the r pretty fast. Be the new Bock Beard of this generation.
  9. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    2006 and over a half stacks of stone, 4 stacks of glowstone. To be honest, that sounds really, really easy. I would be happy to help. Just gotta get unbanned. *cough cough
  10. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    I know there are also people building a gigantic statue in peaceful
  11. dogzfriend

    dogzfriend Member

    Sorry for the delay in posting, I'm working on a few things right now.
    There should be an updated main post with more information regarding what the build will become soon.

    In the meantime, any suggestions for a possible location? (needs do have at least a 300 block square shaped space)

    Also, I apologize if this appears to be extremely unorganized, next update will have a clear(er) motive and goal.
  12. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    You can make it near my house! I'll give you 4 stacks of glowstone and as much stone as I can for free!
  13. dogzfriend

    dogzfriend Member

    Where is your house located?
    I was hoping for somewhere that isn't too cramped.
  14. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Its pretty nice, surrounded with wilderness. I have a wall, I was saying that you build it near my house, but not IN it. lol. There are tons of relatively flat areas with only trees. I'm sure I can find a spot for you! (Before this gets wierd I'm a girl.)
  15. nrayf

    nrayf Active Member VIP

    you're talking, pie, therefore it is already weird.
  16. dogzfriend

    dogzfriend Member

    Yeah I already knew you were a girl :p
    But do you have coordinates for a possible location?
  17. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    I suggest browsing the live map for a good location
  18. dogzfriend

    dogzfriend Member

    This is a very useful tool for my intrests, thanks!
    I suppose a good location depends on the purpose (Arena-PVP world/Market- Peaceful (Or PVP hehe..)
  19. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    My house is peaceful. But maybe if its amazing enough, the admins can make that particular area a coliseum. I'll be on sometime later, not sure when. I'll set my house at the place and invite you.
  20. Karaisk

    Karaisk Member

    you're talking, pie, therefore it is already weird.
    Really? I find that it is more rare when she isn't talking.