Cobble house with lifts

Discussion in 'Demolition Request' started by touricroft, Jun 9, 2012.

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  1. touricroft

    touricroft New Member VIP

    Which map? (peaceful or pvp) Peaceful

    What are the coordinates? (use /getpos) -1252, 67, 58

    Does HawkEye show any data? No

    Do you see any locked chests or furnaces? No. If you use the lift to go up there are many empty, unlocked chests. Can't use the lift to go down, says "would have no where to stand."

    If so, who do they belong to? Can't find a name anywhere to attach this one to =(

    What does /seen [playername] show? N/A

    Any other information that you can provide? Looks to be an old abandoned house. No data through hawkeye. I know I'm putting a lot of requests in, but I'm trying to clean up the area where I'm building a project at. I think it will make the area look better and more tidy. And it appears most of the buildings around this area have been abandoned for quite some time too. I can't remove this building because I can't destroy lifts. If you could please help with that, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Please include a picture if you can!
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