
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by adambel2006, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. adambel2006

    adambel2006 New Member

    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
  2. ThisHomeBoy24

    ThisHomeBoy24 Member VIP

  3. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    Welcome :D be sure to read the wiki thoroughly!
  4. pyro5050

    pyro5050 Active Member VIP

    wow... the towns dont waste long trying to recruit people to their place eh? welcome to the server. enjoy have fun and explore a little before committing to a town or a side of the world... PvP may seem like alot of fun right now, but you never know what you may truely love.
  5. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    Welcome! its great to get older members who understand what to do from the get-go! Glad to have you :)
  6. Thomasdd13

    Thomasdd13 Active Member VIP

    i"m in the athos nation too, arcadia! i came here with my twin, and two of my friends :D
  7. Flagellum

    Flagellum Member VIP

    Erathia for the win! Let me know if you need any help with things.
  8. Griffsbrown

    Griffsbrown New Member VIP

    Agreed. But anyways welcome!