Shadecrest's Creative Building Competition

Discussion in 'Contests/Events' started by luckyboy22, Oct 10, 2012.


Should we have a shadecrest creative building contest?

Poll closed Oct 31, 2012.
  1. Yes

    9 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. luckyboy22

    luckyboy22 New Member VIP

    Hi all.
    Many people are leaving shadecrest of bore and running out of ideas, so i was thinking to expand the shadecrest community we should hold a building contest.
    But first I need imax to approve this. Imax if you ok this we will also need your help not just as a contest judge (which will be me,You,Slappywhitee and sioutdoors) but you will need to advertise it like when random posts (as in donate to our server at........) pop up sometimes they could be about the contest, we will also need you to create a new world:contest world which will be like plotworld but this world is for builder II+ only ,you can choose size of the plots that works best for you(but please at least 64X64)
    slappywhitee likes this.
  2. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

  3. luckyboy22

    luckyboy22 New Member VIP

    slappywhitee likes this.
  4. slappywhitee

    slappywhitee Active Member Creative Architect

  5. TegAshLar

    TegAshLar Member Creative Architect

    A forest cabin with a fall theme?
    creeperkiller132 likes this.
  6. TheOnlyGurra

    TheOnlyGurra Active Member Creative Architect

    Halloween theme maybe?
  7. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Turkey dinner with all the fixens lol yes and a cabin in the woods. I wonder fall color trees hmmmmm
  8. slappywhitee

    slappywhitee Active Member Creative Architect

    I like Siouts idea. Only can we just perhaps make it an "Autumn" theme in general? The reason being that there are alot of people from other countries (Sweden, Germany, Croatia, Australia, UK, etc.) who play on this server. So they may have a dificult time relating to or getting very excited about a Holiday they don't celebrate themselves. Plus it leaves a bit more room for individual creative expression. Just a suggestion.

  9. sioutdoors

    sioutdoors Well-Known Member VIP Creative Architect

    Ah yes kind of close minded of me huh.
  10. slappywhitee

    slappywhitee Active Member Creative Architect

    Ok so when are we gonna DO this? Do we have a place? A start date? A list of rules, regulations and contest criteria? Have we worked out the prizes? If not, lets get it done so that we can announce that the contest has, indeed officially begun, because fall is gonna be over before we know it.....Siout this was your idea, which makes you the boss. So if you need us to do somehing then tell us what to.......don't worry....I like being bossed around. heheh.:p

    PieSquared761 likes this.
  11. PieSquared761

    PieSquared761 Well-Known Member VIP

    Strangely, I do too. Must be a girl thing :confused:
    slappywhitee likes this.
  12. luckyboy22

    luckyboy22 New Member VIP

    YA i have heaps of staff posting on a forums post i made..... Btw my idea of the themes...
    1-Castle with traps
    2-Theme park
    4-temple (as in temple of the gods)
  13. Parhnoied

    Parhnoied New Member Creative Architect

    I like castle with traps