Could we get some sort of airship plugin :3

Discussion in 'Creative Server Suggestions' started by Williamtu4, Mar 8, 2013.

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  1. Williamtu4

    Williamtu4 New Member

    Recently I've seen a lot of airships, so they inspired me to make my own personal airship. But then, I thought wouldn't it be nice if we could tour the server with the airships?
  2. iamenrique123

    iamenrique123 Active Member VIP

    Airship plugin? Like a build animation?

  3. Williamtu4

    Williamtu4 New Member

    I dunno maybe something that allows us to move our builds in the sky :3
  4. sharqman

    sharqman Well-Known Member VIP

    1) select with world edit
    2) //move 1
    3) //expand 1
    4)repeat 2 and 3 until you are banned for causing lag with world edit
    EnormousWilly likes this.
  5. Williamtu4

    Williamtu4 New Member

    sadly still Builder I :3
  6. iamenrique123

    iamenrique123 Active Member VIP

    I hope u know he was joking. Honestly this just seems impractical and unneeded...
  7. Williamtu4

    Williamtu4 New Member

    I know :3 I don't like getting banned on my favorite server :(
  8. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    I like the idea. I've seen voxel and fureuk do this in some sort of way
  9. Williamtu4

    Williamtu4 New Member

    So does that mean my airship to will be able to roam the builder world? :3
  10. creeperkiller132

    creeperkiller132 Active Member Creative Architect

    you can build in the sky there are 3 options for that
    1 noobtower your way up till you found your height
    2 build on the ground and WE it up in the sky using $3 WE
    3 build on the ground and WE it up in the sku using architect powers
  11. Williamtu4

    Williamtu4 New Member

    I noobed towered already :3 Just want to fly it around :3
  12. RozzyRanger101

    RozzyRanger101 Member Creative Architect

    Interesting, it would be pretty cool but I don't know if the server will lag or glitch out with it. Still, I like the idea.
  13. waterpower1

    waterpower1 Active Member

    Mabye a ferry that circles around the map?
  14. RozzyRanger101

    RozzyRanger101 Member Creative Architect

    :eek: Maybe a plane that circles round. Or the unlikely event of a helicopter, but that wouldn't work.
  15. TehRawB

    TehRawB Active Member Creative Architect

    that would just mean that id attack everyone whit my ship and drama would occur :D
  16. Williamtu4

    Williamtu4 New Member

    yeah maybe leave out the cannon firing part of the plugin :3
  17. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    I think would cause a lot of lag more than anything lol
    Pieman_Is_God likes this.
  18. creeperkiller132

    creeperkiller132 Active Member Creative Architect

    yea especially with those massive ships as CW390's, TheRwaB and mine would be a bit laggy
  19. Bighappysmiles

    Bighappysmiles New Member

    There is a voxel plugin/mod called voxel move I beleive. I think you would have to have the voxel modpack though......That would mean everyone would have download and install it on the server.Not good. So yes there is a plugin, but it needs a mod to work as well
  20. Legend9468

    Legend9468 Well-Known Member VIP

    The airship mods wouldn't be suited for out server. A fair few of the newer ones that I've seen built are on a scale that would induce server wide lag just to move one block, and this is just if we try to move one airship.
    It's a novel idea and all, but I don't think that it would work well.
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