MeepMoop666 Ban Appeal

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by MeepMoop666, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. MeepMoop666

    MeepMoop666 New Member

    IGN: MeepMoop666

    Banned by: Dynodamon

    Ban Reason: I was banned for griefing, where I did grief but It was for a few reasons. The first reason was that I was building in a town with my IRL friends. Then I started building something they didn't like so they considered it griefing? They started telling the people they didn't know me and then I was told I was already getting banned for just building where I thought I could. I understand now that I should just play by myself.

    Ban Date: 1/2/2014

    Ban Time: Forever

    Details: I thought I was allowed to build on my friends land but instead they decided to ruin my life and get me kicked from this server that I was playing like all day cause its so fun.

    Reason to be unbanned: I promise I will never grief again and I really really want to be unbanned because This is the funnest server I have ever played on and I already have so much stuff that I would miss. All my friends always get on and I cant get on the server so I feel left out and then I get really depressed. And I have really severe depression problems and I already have enough on my mind and I liked this server because It took me away from all my worries in the real world.
  2. majestic_moose

    majestic_moose Well-Known Member VIP

    Banned by majestic_moose*

    This isn't what I'd call building



    Before you "started building"

    Flamestar00 likes this.
  3. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    After you were banned, you accessed your friend's account to grief, even exclaiming so in chat. Purposely breaking everyone's chests so the items de-spawn is pretty low. How can we trust you?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
    Flamestar00 likes this.
  4. Flamestar00

    Flamestar00 Active Member VIP

    *Sorry for posting here*

    I reported you because you did grief a part of one of the towers. Granted it wasn't much but you were annoying other players and then procedded to threaten to grief more. I came on after I did the thread and the place was a mess. I gave you plenty of warning and you just laughed. I don't see why you should be unbanned but that's not my business and is up to moose.