I'm so out of the loop

Discussion in 'Minecraft Help' started by FirstAscent, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. FirstAscent

    FirstAscent New Member VIP

    I can't believe it has been a year since the last time I played on a ShadeCrest server and I can see that everything has changed. I played entirely on the creative server and I was a Builder 1 level with full VIP. First change I noticed was that the world I played on is gone along with all my builds and my home warp. I started playing Minecraft again recently and I'm interested in getting back into ShadeCrest. But I am so confused and have no idea what's going on.
    So here are my questions:
    Are all my Builder 1 world builds really deleted?
    Why am I marked as a new member when I've been a member since 2012?
    And where do I start now?

  2. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    Map reset. There were systems set up to get your builds transferred, but since you were gone during the time, you missed the chance to get it moved. There's a torrent for the old map downloads laying around somewhere on the forums if you really want to go scavenge for your stuff, but it probably doesn't have seeders.
  3. FirstAscent

    FirstAscent New Member VIP

    It sucks to lose all the progress but it's been so long I don't mind starting over with something new. Which worlds can I build in now?
  4. StephenP67

    StephenP67 Well-Known Member VIP

    If you're builder 1 just use /warp builder then /plotme auto to auto-select a vacant plot.
  5. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    I think if you're vip you can build in any world up to builder II. After Builder 2 is apprentice plot world.
  6. StephenP67

    StephenP67 Well-Known Member VIP

    Did not know that. Just checked the VIP shop and it says VIP III can build in the Apprentice world. No mention of it in VIP I or II.
    QuietSea likes this.
  7. QuietSea

    QuietSea Well-Known Member VIP

    Oh that's cool lol. There's always changes to creative I never hear about
  8. FirstAscent

    FirstAscent New Member VIP

    I just remembered there's a wiki page for ShadeCrest and it explains where each level of builder and VIP can build in all these new worlds. Thanks for the help though!
  9. StephenP67

    StephenP67 Well-Known Member VIP

    LOL, welcome to the loop :)
    FirstAscent likes this.