o0z ban appeal v26

Discussion in 'Requests and Reports' started by o0z, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. o0z

    o0z Member

    What is your IGN?o0z
    Who banned you? probably awasted, not 100% sure.
    Why were you banned(ban message)? killing 2 afk players
    When were you banned? Few months ago
    How long is your ban? for ever
    Can you explain what you know about the ban in more detail? Why should you be unbanned?
    Well I was banned permanently because it was the last straw, if you look back on the things I did previous to killing the 2 afk players, I was banned for small things temporary, things like caps, language maybe? macros(LOL) and that's all I can think of as of now. I should be unbanned because in my mind this is all water under the bridge, and I people can forgive me because of my outrageous behavior, I thought i was a bad ass, but all I was, was a scum bag, and annoying.
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