o/ Hey Guys and Girls! Saito Here! :D

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Saito DeVir, Jul 6, 2014.

  1. Saito DeVir

    Saito DeVir New Member

    Hello everyone!
    New to the sever Generic Thread Incoming!

    My name is Saito!
    I've had that tag for quite a few years on more then to many games ( GW, EVE, WoW, GW2 Rohan, just a few) So if it looks like someone you may know then just ask and I'm sure I've played w/e game you may have seen it in!:D

    Been playing Mc for quiet some time on privet servers and such of my own and close friends.
    I clam to be a bit of a redstone master and not to shabby at general building cool stuffs!

    Love building in an older middle age style with a kick in the tail with some good old redstone spin!

    Not huge on pvp or griefers but I do have my dark side if turned on! DO NOT CROSS THE DeVir!

    So happy to be playing on a public server for once and hope I get to meet a few of you along the way!

    OH and another thing. I'm a bit of a YouTube start up. Have yet to get off the ground but maybe I can make this place my home! :D

    Drop me a line any time

    -Saito DeVir-
  2. Dynodamon

    Dynodamon Well-Known Member

    I put over 3,500 hours into the first GW. Loved that game so much.

    Welcome dood!
  3. Saito DeVir

    Saito DeVir New Member

    UGH I loved it so much till they continued to run it into the ground. I pretty much stepped away when SF got slammed down. Played from world open till almost 8 years later. would go back right now but its just not the same :(