Coliseum Fist rush

Discussion in 'Finger Pointing' started by Alan321, Oct 2, 2011.

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  1. Alan321

    Alan321 Member VIP

    pengyster was fist rushing alot so i took some screenshots :D

    What is your IGN? : Alan321

    What is the IGN of the offenders? : pengyster

    Which rules did they break? : Fist rushing

    Are there any witnesses? What are their IGN's? : EpicMinecrafteer (think he has screenshots to)

    Did you talk to the people who were doing the rule-breaking? What did they say? : Yes, I wasn't fist rushing, i was raping

    Do you think they should be given a punishment for this? : Yes, he fist rushed multiple times,

    Do you have screenshot(s) or video(s) of the incident (example: chat logs)? Post them at the end of the post : i Do

    Were any mods or admins on at the time this happened? Who were they? : Nifix, Pauden, and wkdclwncar

    Have they broke a rule(s) before? Which ones? : Not sure
    the first picture inclused what he/she said
  2. Alan321

    Alan321 Member VIP

    the actually breaking
  3. Alan321

    Alan321 Member VIP

  4. EpicMineCrafteer

    EpicMineCrafteer New Member

  5. ThisDudeRiteHere

    ThisDudeRiteHere Member VIP

    Just a tip, next time modify the original post instead of adding more posts.
  6. Alan321

    Alan321 Member VIP

    yea never figured out how to di multiple (didnt really try to be honest)
  7. ThisDudeRiteHere

    ThisDudeRiteHere Member VIP

    Do multiple what? You mean add to the first post? Click modify.
  8. Alan321

    Alan321 Member VIP

    Like muliple pictures in the same post, but thanks for making my life easier :D
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