Noob Village 50R for 1 floor 75R for 2 floors 125R for 3 floors

Discussion in 'Minecraft Discussions' started by joker1266, Jan 23, 2015.

  1. joker1266

    joker1266 New Member

    This is a photo below of a nonprofit Village. It is still being constructed and is willing to pay for those who want to move in and help work for money. It is in PVE and its a nice little place to warp to and be able to come in and out of there for food, store thing, and so on! Mail me in game and I will talk to you if u are new and would like to have some place to live till you get on your feet![user]=102555263&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=0
  2. Gods__Hand

    Gods__Hand New Member

    I like cheese.

    Does your village have cheese?
  3. GingerSwan

    GingerSwan Active Member VIP

    That next pic jumped me, I was expecting more images! XD

    (pic is here)
    Mega_Spud likes this.
  4. SkittlesQueen

    SkittlesQueen Active Member VIP

    Kinda looks like Smallz lil village shop